Get involved
For the protection of the ocean
Sign a petition

Sign the "Ocean As Common" Call
From the waves to the clouds, from the groundwater to the rivers, from the great ocean currents to the ice at the poles, it is one global circulation that unfolds in three dimensions, around, on the surface of, and down into the depths of our planet, to form an Aquasphere. The Aquasphere is partly governed by the Ocean. The balance of the Ocean guarantees climatic harmony, regenerates the biosphere and sets the pace for human societies. This is why the Ocean is our most precious common asset. Individually and collectively, we are responsible for its good health. That is why we must all preserve it. Please sign this petition so that our leaders consider our Ocean as a common good of humanity.
Participate in events

The Fondation de la Mer’s ungestepourlamer platform enables everyone to take action against plastic pollution, with:
- A global community that brings together citizens, associations, scientists, educational institutions, communities and private entities.
- A map detailing collection points in mainland France and its overseas territories, news, educational resources, practical tools to help you in your commitment to the Ocean.
- A simple and fast financing system for associations who specifically fight plastic pollution through waste collections or awareness actions.

The application that saves the oceans thanks to the eco-citizen collection of litter! Developed by the RESCUE OCEAN Foundation, use the RESCUE OCEAN application and organise a litter pick on your own, with your association or with your company! The app allows you to track your participation in the fight against litter. Available on Apple Store and Google Play.

Visit the "Algues marines" exhibition
The Aquarium Tropical du Palais de la Porte Dorée is hosting the exhibition "Algues marines" until 4 September 2022. Food, fertilizer, cosmetics, health... seaweeds are present in our daily lives and have been for thousands of years. However, they remain little known. With this exhibition, the Aquarium Tropical lifts the veil on the world of large marine algae, their surprising properties, their incredible diversity and their essential role in maintaining biodiversity.
taking action

Join LEMONSEA'S team of volunteers!
By becoming a volunteer with LemonSea, which works to raise awareness about ocean acidification, you are at the heart of the action. You are an active member of our association, participating in our projects, committing to talk about LemonSea around you and attending our meetings! The best thing is if you are based in La Rochelle (France) but don't panic, we can always meet by video if necessary!

BioLit is a national programme of participative sciences on coastal biodiversity created by the association Planète Mer in 2010, in partnership with the National Museum of Natural History (MnHn). It is aimed at everyone, young and old, who is curious about nature. Become a coastline observer: send your photos to and you will help scientists to improve knowledge of coastal ecosystems. It's simple, fun and useful!

You want to get involved in the protection of the ocean? Join the Surfrider Europe team!
Volunteers truly define who we are and have been the heart of Surfrider Europe for over 30 years.
Surfrider's volunteering in 2021 is:
800 volunteers working on the field
340 skills volunteers
50 local chapters
12 European countries
403 events & actions accomplished
Together, we are stronger!

Volunteer at France Nature Environnement
Are you concerned about the future of the oceans?
France Nature Environnement (FNE) is a French federation of associations for the protection of nature and the environment and has more than 80 coastal associations in metropolitan France and overseas. Whatever your availability and skills are, there is surely an activity for you!
taking action
Change my habits

A Sustainable seafood consumption with Mr Goodfish
Launched in March 2010 in France by Nausicaá, in Italy by the Acquario di Genova and in Spain by the Aquarium Finisterrae, the European program "Mr.Goodfish" aims to raise awareness to the general public and professionals about the sustainable consumption of seafood products guide them in their choice. The programme involves the consumers in the preservation of marine resources by publishing, each season, a list of seafood products recommended by marine resource specialists. The aim of this approach is to preserve stocks of threatened seafood products by consuming other stocks that are available in abundance. Thus, if each French person consumed just once a year a species recommended by Mr. Goodfish, 20,000 tons of threatened species could be saved. Since 2017, the Mr.Goodfish programme has also issued recommendations concerning products from farmed fish.

Developed by BlueSeeds, BlueMooring is tool allowing boaters and eco-tourism professionals to book their moorings on sensitive sites, while discovering the conservation actions being carried out there. It is a tool co-constructed with the managers of anchorage areas in vulnerable areas (marine reserves, marine protected areas, etc.) in favour of marine conservation. From April 2022, you will be able to find all the points of interest on the BlueMooring map, discover the conservation actions carried out on the ground and book your mooring in two clicks on certain sensitive sites.
taking action
Increase my knowledge

Sharing scientific knowledge about the Ocean allows us to act by creating a collective awareness among citizens.

In 2019, the IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) has published a Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in the Context of Climate Change (SROCC). To facilitate its understanding, the Ocean & Climate Platform invites you to discover the "Ocean and climate change: the new challenges" learning sheets.
Bringing support
Make a donation

Under the pole : Discovering the mesophotic zone
Since 2008, UNDER THE POLE expeditions have been combining scientific research, innovation and awareness-raising to improve our knowledge of the ocean. Thanks to its technical and human skills, UNDER THE POLE has access to deep and polar areas, unexplored, in order to conduct innovative studies dedicated to the discovery and preservation of underwater biodiversity. The DEEPLIFE programme (2021-2030) will study the marine animal forests of the mesophotic zone (30-200m depth) and their key role in the marine ecosystem. To support their actions, visit their website!

Support IFAW's campaign: ""Blue speeds" for commercial shipping"
The "Blue Speeds for Commercial Shipping" campaign aims to set better legislative standards to reduce the negative impact of the shipping industry on marine animal populations within European waters. Reducing ship speeds ("blue speeds") is an effective and easily implemented solution to reduce three major environmental threats. Indeed, a 10% reduction in the speed of commercial vessels will have the following immediate effects:
- 40% reduction in underwater noise pollution;
- 50% reduction in the risk of ship strikes with whales;
- 13% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from ships.

Adopt a coral to support the SULUBAAÏ FOUNDATION
With this symbolic gesture of adopting a coral, you support the marine restoration work of the Sulubaai Environmental Foundation in the Philippines in the Coral Triangle region where the greatest diversity and abundance of corals in the world is found. In Shark Fin Bay, where the Foundation works in the Philippines, dynamite fishing has reduced coral reefs to debris fields, which are being restored with the Foundation's artificial reefs, Sulu-Reef-Prosthesis. They restore support for unattached corals and provide a habitat structure for the reef communities